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NIST Time Servers

NIST Time Servers

The table below lists the time servers used by the NIST Internet Time Service (ITS). The table lists each server’s name, IP address, and location, organized geographically within the US from North to South and then from East to West. Please note that while we make every effort to ensure that the names of the servers are correct, we control the names of only the nist.gov servers. If you have difficulty using the name of a system, you can access a server using the IP address directly.

Name IP Address Location
time-a-b.nist.gov NIST, Boulder, Colorado
time-b-b.nist.gov NIST, Boulder, Colorado
time-c-b.nist.gov NIST, Boulder, Colorado
time-d-b.nist.gov NIST, Boulder, Colorado
time-d-b.nist.gov 2610:20:6f96:96::4 NIST, Boulder, Colorado
time-e-b.nist.gov NIST, Boulder, Colorado
time-e-b.nist.gov 2610:20:6f96:96::6 NIST, Boulder, Colorado