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InteleViewer Sites

InteleViewer Sites

Designed to bring simplicity to complex environments, IntelePACS® provides hospitals, imaging centers, and teleradiology organizations with a robust platform for storing, retrieving, and routing medical images. Combining secure communications and compression technology, their PACS software ensures radiology image and patient data integrity, while providing high availability of electronic images at any time, from any location, and for any case. The table below lists the PACS servers used by the various Health Care Components (HCCs). The table lists each Health Care Component name, URL, and download URL. Please note that while we make every effort to ensure that the names of the servers are correct, we 'DO NOT' control their server infrastructures. If you have difficulty using one of these PACS systems you should contact the Health Care Component directly.

Company URL Download URL
Health Images https://pacs.healthimages.com https://pacs.healthimages.com/InteleViewer/
Radiology Imaging Associates https://iv.riaco.com https://iv.riaco.com/InteleViewer/
Touchstone Medical Imaging, LLC https://tmimdb1.tmipacs.com https://tmimdb1.tmipacs.com/InteleViewer/
SimonMed Imaging, Inc. https://images.simonmed.com https://images.simonmed.com/InteleViewer/